Myanmar is ethnically diverse. The government recognises 135 distinct ethnic groups. There exist some, including the Rohingya, which are unrecognised by the government. While it is extremely difficult to verify this statement, there are at least 108 different ethnolinguistic groups in Myanmar, consisting mainly of distinct Tibeto-Burman peoples, but with sizeable populations of Tai–Kadai, Hmong–Mien, and Austroasiatic (Mon–Khmer) peoples.
The Bamar form an estimated 68 % of the population. 10 % of the population are Shan. The Kayin make up 7 % of the population. The Rakhine people constitute 4 % of the population. Overseas Chinese form approximately 3 % of the population. Mon, who form 2 % of the population, are ethno-linguistically related to the Khmer. Overseas Indians are 2 %. The remainder are Kachin, Chin, Rohingya, Anglo-Indians, Gurkha, Nepali and other ethnic minorities.