The Hellabrunn Zoo (Tierpark Hellabrunn) of Munich was founded on 1st of August 1911. The animal park is characterized by its natural location in the landscape conservation area of the floodplain of the Isar. In the first Geozoo of the world today live around 19,000 animals in 771 species.
The animal park is located in the Untergiesing-Harlaching district. Embedded in the landscape protection area of the eastern Isar-Auen, a 40-hectare typical European floodplain forest, which has a very old tree population, could be obtained.
The Hellabrunn Zoo of Munich was the first Geozoo in the world. The idea of the Geo principle, according to which the animals are arranged according to continents and are kept in natural life communities, had in the meantime faded into the background, for example by the decision to keep only Asian elephants, which of course remained in the park part of Africa. Zoodirektor Andreas Knieriem once again declared the Geo principle in his term (2009 - 2014) the leitmotiv, which has been above all zoological changes and structural measures since then.
Installations for the Animals
The Forest House, The Aquarium, The World of the Apes, The Species Protection Center, Australia, Africa, The Elephant House, The Jungle World, The Turtle House, The Polarworld, Asia, The Rhinoceros House, Europe, The Bat Grotto, The Great Aviary, America, The Giraffe House